Leading Well

A Conversation with Scott Dawson and David Nasser

When we launched the STS Network we did it with one goal in mind, providing a tool that would be beneficial and enriching to those who lead in the local church!

As followers of Christ, we are called to give ourselves away for the cause of Christ, that is our entire goal with the STS Network! The Strength to Stand team is working diligently to find new and exciting ways to give ourselves away for the purpose of uplifting Christ’s bride, the local church!

A few weeks ago we had the opportunity to release a conversation exclusively to those who are apart of the Network but I knew this was too good to just keep internally so I wanted to release it to you as well!

I had the pleasure of sitting down with a good friend of mine, Pastor David Nasser. We had the opportunity to discuss leadership and how we in ministry can step up and lead our respective communities well. Check it out below and let me know some ways it helped you grow in leadership in the comments below!

We could not be more excited to see what God will do through this program and how it will be used for the benefit of the local church. Let me know below how it has helped strengthen you!

Can’t wait to see you guys again soon!


A Great Need


The Key to Communication